We highly recommend his services

Este espacio es para solicitar o proveer información a otros residentes.
Por ejemplos anunciar cosas para vender o comprar, recomendar o solicitar un servicio como plomeria, jardineria, pintura, etc. Vender o comprar un auto u otras cosas como muebles, electrodomesticos, etc.
Propaganda para actividades commercial no es aceptable.

This space is to ask for or provide information to other residents.
Examples are things to sell or buy, look for or recommend a service like a plumber, gardener, etc. Sell or buy a car or other things like furniture, appliances etc.
Advertising for commercial activities is not acceptable.
Mensajes: 2
Registrado: Vie Abr 22, 2016 9:26 am
Numero de Lote: 76
Urbanización: Castillo

We highly recommend his services

Mensaje por Arletys »

Please note that we had visitors why utilizes the services of Jonathan as a driver and once again they were very very happy with his professionalism. We highly recommend his services. He can be reached at 67921010 , Email- jonathanpeel@hotmail.com.
Arletys Borrego
76 Castillo