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Need advice with wall problem / Problema con muro de la casa

Publicado: Vie Abr 03, 2015 3:35 pm
por epidemia
At my House, I have a wall that has a water flowing problem that is causing my yard to fall and thus the flooring on top of it is running the same luck. I need some technical advice on how to fix this issue. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this. My home is located at Fortaleza #62. My cellphone is 6796-1471.

En mi casa tengo un muro,de contención que ha cedido y ha causado que el piso de mi terraza ceda y se ha rajado. Necesito,consejo técnico acerca de cómo reparar este problema. Agradezco me contacten al celular 6796-1471. Mi casa es la Fortaleza #62.