tiene Checheres que aun son útiles en su casa?
Publicado: Lun Jul 11, 2016 7:35 pm
GRATIS buscamos en su casa los checheres que ya no use, pero que aun sean utiles. Artefactos electricos que ya no use pero que esten funcionando, muebles, herramientas, todo lo que le estorbe pero que pueda ser util alguien mas.... contactenos por whatsapp al 63451894
It´s free. we´re getting your stuffs that you are not using anymore, but still useable. Eelectrical artifacts needs to be working, furniture, tools, whatever is useful for somebody else. Contact us in Whatsapp 63451894.
It´s free. we´re getting your stuffs that you are not using anymore, but still useable. Eelectrical artifacts needs to be working, furniture, tools, whatever is useful for somebody else. Contact us in Whatsapp 63451894.