Este espacio es para solicitar o proveer información a otros residentes.
Por ejemplos anunciar cosas para vender o comprar, recomendar o solicitar un servicio como plomeria, jardineria, pintura, etc. Vender o comprar un auto u otras cosas como muebles, electrodomesticos, etc.
Propaganda para actividades commercial no es aceptable.

This space is to ask for or provide information to other residents.
Examples are things to sell or buy, look for or recommend a service like a plumber, gardener, etc. Sell or buy a car or other things like furniture, appliances etc.
Advertising for commercial activities is not acceptable.
Mensajes: 361
Registrado: Lun Dic 19, 2011 8:43 am
Numero de Lote: 233
Urbanización: Centinela


Mensaje por Marco »

There is a new web address for the Dirección General de Ingresos to track property taxes, etc.


The is the new etax system implemented recently by Panama. Similar to last time they didn't leave a forwarding address for the new website, but it can be searched for on Google. Not sure why they make it so difficult to pay taxes. Maybe it makes us dependent on lawyers.
Leslie "Marco" Lieurance, VP
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